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  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                       6 - Windows Games, BMP and WAV                      │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. 1KING.ZIP       31174  02-26-94  WAV sound file.                              
  6. 34WAVS_1.ZIP   331072  02-26-94  34 WAV files by Nick Vargish.  (1 of 3)      
  7. 3DXWD125.ZIP    59157  03-03-94  Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle and              
  8.                                | Cyberspace Cruiser 1.25:  3-D crossword      
  9.                                | puzzle for Windows.  Req:  VBRUN300.DLL.     
  10. 4WINGAM.ZIP    348397  02-13-94  4 nice Windows games.                        
  11. 4WINS202.ZIP    17859  03-06-94  4 WINs 2.02:  Windows version of the         
  12.                                | classic Connect 4 game.  Requires:           
  13.                                | VBRUN300.DLL.                                
  14. ADCMD11C.ZIP   349029  02-15-94  Admirals Command 1.1 for Windows:  A         
  15.                                | Battleship game with a twist.  Admirals      
  16.                                | Command offers these special features:       
  17.                                | Islands, mines, minesweeping, submerge       
  18.                                | submarine, move spy ship.  Includes Win      
  19.                                | Help file.  Req: Mouse/VGA/VBRUN300.DLL.     
  20. AICAPWAV.ZIP   564861  02-12-94  Native American WAV sounds of ceremonial     
  21.                                | & social dances.  Volume 1 of a special      
  22.                                | project of American Indian Computer Art      
  23.                                | Project BBS and Chippewa Artist Turtle       
  24.                                | Heart.  Some are rather long.  Useful as     
  25.                                | sounds in Windows or in multimedia           
  26.                                | presentations.  Req: SBPro/SB16.             
  27. AIRAID.ZIP     902456  03-10-94  Authentic sound effect of a air raid         
  28.                                | alert siren.  Over 1.2 Meg in size and       
  29.                                | 60 sec.  Long.  Recorded from CD to WAV.     
  30.                                | Format for Windows.                          
  31. ALPINE.ZIP     146465  05-02-94  A BMP image of an alpine lake and            
  32.                                | mountains.                                   
  33. AMAZE402.ZIP   169787  03-16-94  3-D Maze Game for Windows.                   
  34. ANTINT.ZIP       9658  02-22-94  A humorous 256-color BMP file of the         
  35.                                | Windows NT startup screen.                   
  36. APLLO11.ZIP    210648  03-12-94  WAV:  Apollo 11 countdown, launch, moon      
  37.                                | landing, and first step on the moon.         
  38. AUTOCE20.ZIP    92782  02-26-94  AutoCell 2.0:  Windows artificial life       
  39.                                | puzzle enables you to easily and             
  40.                                | intuitively explore the world of             
  41.                                | cellular automation.                         
  42. AUTUMN2.ZIP    104382  02-16-94  Gorgeous 640x480x256:  Color image of        
  43.                                | mountainous autumn landscape rendered in     
  44.                                | Vistapro 3.0.  The color autumn palette      
  45.                                | was modified to produce stunning             
  46.                                | results!  Fabulous Windows wallpaper!        
  47. BACKWARD.ZIP    40386  02-01-94  A reversed speech greeting and an upper      
  48.                                | class English greeting for Windows in        
  49.                                | wave format.                                 
  50. BEAR.ZIP       276495  03-26-94  A bear brousing around a river in            
  51.                                | Alaska.                                      
  52. BIGDRL.ZIP      53549  02-12-94  WAV:  A big drill.                           
  53. BILLTAX.ZIP     83920  02-17-94  Slick Willy screen saver For Windows         
  54.                                | 3.1.  He's cleaning up all of our            
  55.                                | "loose" cash!                                
  56. BIRD2.ZIP       15394  02-03-94  WAV:  Another bird.                          
  57. BIRDWHS.ZIP     80232  02-24-94  WAV:  A bird whistling.                      
  58. BLESS_JC.ZIP    61198  03-22-94  Warm Picture of an Entrance to a house.      
  59.                                | Art in BMP format.                           
  60. BLUEROCK.ZIP   197924  03-31-94  A great bitmap of a waterfall.               
  61. BOBBIT.ZIP    1135816  02-06-94  WAV:  From the Bobbit Trial.                 
  62. BOGL11.ZIP     114875  02-24-94  Bogle 1.1:  Windows word game based on       
  63.                                | the Milton-Bradley game of a similar         
  64.                                | name.  Spell words from a scrambled set      
  65.                                | of letters.  Built in dictionary.            
  66.                                | Varying time limits; context sensitive       
  67.                                | help.  Req:  VBRUN300.DLL.                   
  68. BOXMASH.ZIP     63735  02-15-94  WAV:  A box getting smashed.                 
  69. BRAINJ17.ZIP    49599  03-24-94  Brain Jam 1.7:  Windows solitaire game,      
  70.                                | card puzzle.                                 
  71. BRDSQU.ZIP      15037  02-06-94  WAV:  A bird.                                
  72. BROKENLG.ZIP   417224  02-14-94  Sound clip of "Broken Apart" from the        
  73.                                | new album, "In the Scene of the Mind" by     
  74.                                | Violet Arcana, released in January, 1994     
  75.                                | on EinProdukt records.  Sampled at           
  76.                                | 22kHz, this clip runs 21.35 seconds.         
  77.                                | Violet Arcana is often compared to a         
  78.                                | cross between Future Sound of London and     
  79.                                | This Mortal Coil because of its dreamy,      
  80.                                | vocally based techno.  A surrealistic,       
  81.                                | moody synth-pop soundscape.                  
  82. CALSOL.ZIP      47605  02-19-94  Windows Card games with a mathematical       
  83.                                | twist.                                       
  84. CANADA2.ZIP     33130  03-01-94  Map of Canada in Windows Write format.       
  85. CASINOX.ZIP    425885  02-16-94  Black Jack Game for Windows.  Uses           
  86.                                | Soundblaster.                                
  87. CBWAVES.ZIP    196664  02-18-94  Collection of various assorted WAVs.         
  88. CFD132.ZIP      60432  02-15-94  Confound 1.32:  Strategy game that pits      
  89.                                | you against the computer each trying to      
  90.                                | occupy your opponent's home square. Req:     
  91.                                | Windows.                                     
  92. CHICKAD1.ZIP    10643  03-10-94  Bird Sound:  Black-capped Chicadees.         
  93.                                | WAV.                                         
  94. CHOMPW12.ZIP    32963  02-15-94  Chomp for Windows 1.2:  Game closely         
  95.                                | patterned after Pac-Man with full color      
  96.                                | display, an adjustable game speed and        
  97.                                | several different mazes.                     
  98. CIPHWN10.ZIP   101532  03-24-94  Cipher for Windows 1.0:  Word puzzle         
  99.                                | game.  A true Microsoft Windows crypto-      
  100.                                | quotes type word game with all Windows       
  101.                                | features including complete help.  Many      
  102.                                | hint options, saved games, high score        
  103.                                | hall of fame, etc.  Works with Cipher        
  104.                                | (MS-DOS version) puzzles.  Game written      
  105.                                | by Nels Anderson.  <ASP>                     
  106. CIVWINV2.ZIP   350642  03-05-94  Upgrade patch 2.0 for Civilization for       
  107.                                | Windows.                                     
  108. COLLISN.ZIP     39237  02-27-94  BMP: collision with Earth.                   
  109. COLUMNS1.ZIP    20632  02-22-94  Game for Windows:  Like Sega's Columns.      
  110. CONCEN21.ZIP   120346  02-16-94  Concentration Solitaire 2.1: MS-Windows      
  111.                                | card game that's more fun than a barrel      
  112.                                | of money, now with sound support, 6 card     
  113.                                | backs, choice of colors, timers, deals.      
  114.                                | Etc.; req video resolution of 800 X 600      
  115.                                | or higher to run; Stephen Murphy/Pigeon      
  116.                                | Lake Software.                               
  117. COUNTRY8.ZIP   347690  05-02-94  A Windows BMP of another beautiful           
  118.                                | country scene in Sweden.                     
  119. COUNTRYW.ZIP   321244  05-14-94  A Windows BMP of another beautiful           
  120.                                | winter scene of Sweden.                      
  121. CRIB101.ZIP     66462  02-10-94  Cribbage 1.01: MS-Windows classic card       
  122.                                | game of cribbage that's easy for the         
  123.                                | beginner and challenging for the expert;     
  124.                                | keeps track of game totals including         
  125.                                | monies at $1 per point; keyboard/mouse;      
  126.                                | EGA/VGA/SVGA; includes peg board.            
  127. CRYHAV.ZIP      15563  02-10-94  WAV : "Cry Havoc!".  Excellent for a         
  128.                                | Windows system error WAV.                    
  129. CSHR406A.ZIP   161907  02-22-94  CardShark-Hearts 4.06:  Strong Hearts        
  130.                                | game for Windows.  Features include:         
  131.                                | Auto-play, hint mode, view all hands at      
  132.                                | any time, replay deals, save and print       
  133.                                | deals, user-selectible playing styles        
  134.                                | and strengths of computer opponents.         
  135.                                | WAV file support for comments from           
  136.                                | computer hands & more.  Requires:            
  137.                                | VBRUN300.DLL. (1 of 2)                       
  138. CYBRTILE.ZIP     4762  02-08-94  Cyberpunk-style wallpaper for Windows.       
  139. D4W20.ZIP      247320  02-19-94  Destroyer 2.1 for Windows.  Fun, easy-       
  140.                                | to-play graphic game.  Similar to the        
  141.                                | board game "Battleship".  The registered     
  142.                                | version includes 1.5 MEG worth of sound      
  143.                                | effects for your sound board.  With          
  144.                                | screaming bombs, horrific explosions,        
  145.                                | and the last gasps of a sinking ship,        
  146.                                | the audio version of this game completes     
  147.                                | the specter of this old, naval war           
  148.                                | favorite.                                    
  149. DAVINCI2.ZIP    34089  05-14-94  A .BMP image of Da Vinci's "Madonna of       
  150.                                | the Rocks"                                   
  151. DEMWAR12.ZIP    66925  02-05-94  Declaration of War 1.2:  Windows game        
  152.                                | is played on a 30 x 20 square grid that      
  153.                                | has various islands throughout the grid      
  154.                                | with cities, forests & mountains; the        
  155.                                | object of the game is to build up your       
  156.                                | forces, and capture cities until you are     
  157.                                | strong enough to attack the computer         
  158.                                | player.                                      
  159. DOLECRIM.ZIP    85149  02-13-94  WAV of Bob Dole hitting Clintons crime       
  160.                                | record.                                      
  161. DQUEST33.ZIP   497107  04-01-94  Dragon Quest 3.3 for Windows.  A             
  162.                                | traditional-style text role-playing          
  163.                                | adventure game.  Easy to understand and      
  164.                                | play format.  From StoneAge Software.        
  165. DRUM45.ZIP    1807497  02-22-94  Drum WAV files for Windows.                  
  166. FISH1WO3.ZIP   155763  02-11-94  FishFood:  Windows Arcade Game.  Swim        
  167.                                | upstream eating food, sucking down           
  168.                                | bubbles and avoiding obstacles.  Req:        
  169.                                | VBRUN300.DLL.                                
  170. FONCHES1.ZIP    66626  02-24-94  New Chess game for Windows.                  
  171. FRACWAL.ZIP     14768  02-08-94  Fractal Wallpaper:  Set of four BMP          
  172.                                | wallpaper files of fractal images.           
  173. FS102.ZIP      134046  02-17-94  Four Seasons 1.02, solitaire for Windows     
  174.                                | 3.1.  Another addictive diversion from       
  175.                                | the author of "Solitaire Suite".             
  176.                                | Feature-packed fun!  By Randy Rasa.          
  177.                                | Requires:  VBRUN200.DLL.                     
  178. FUNPLAY.ZIP    854778  03-01-94  Video For Windows (AVI); Demo of             
  179.                                | Astronauts.                                  
  180. GPOKWN10.ZIP   422922  03-24-94  Poke-It Poker! for Windows.  Las Vegas       
  181.                                | Video Poker!  From the makers of World       
  182.                                | Empire II, this immensely addictive game     
  183.                                | accurately simulates the real thing AND      
  184.                                | IT'S A LOT CHEAPER!  Take my word for        
  185.                                | it.  I've lost on both!  Note: UnZIPs to     
  186.                                | 700k (approx.)  Needs VBRUN200.DLL.          
  187.                                | Viable Software Alternatives.                
  188. GREDSP20.ZIP    76637  02-10-94  Jupiter's Great Red Spot in a Win 3.x        
  189.                                | icon.  Displays the current position of      
  190.                                | Jupiter's Great Red Spot in an icon.         
  191.                                | Icon title can display today's transit       
  192.                                | times or a clock.  Can also be set to        
  193.                                | "rotate" to the next image of Jupiter        
  194.                                | periodically.                                
  195. GTRIFF1.ZIP     23820  03-26-94  Guitar Riff in Windows:  WAV format.         
  196. GWEMPR15.ZIP   322827  02-11-94  World Empire II For Windows.  Based on       
  197.                                | the award-winning DOS game, World Empire     
  198.                                | II offers 139 real world countries for       
  199.                                | your conquering pleasure.  This is the       
  200.                                | DELUXE VERSION 1.5.  Reviewed as a FIVE      
  201.                                | STAR program by all!  Note:  UnZIPs to       
  202.                                | approx. 2 megs.  Needs VBRUN100.DLL -        
  203.                                | included.  Viable Software Alternatives.     
  204. HHGTTG2.ZIP     79162  03-01-94  WAV sample:  Deep Thought giving the         
  205.                                | answer to life, the universe, and            
  206.                                | everything.                                  
  207. IQ150.ZIP       23871  02-14-94  IQ test for Windows.  Requires:              
  208.                                | VBRUN300.DLL.                                
  209. IVYLAK.ZIP     182276  02-08-94  Jack Nicklaus signature:  Ivy Lakes.         
  210. JAZZ4.ZIP      916156  02-04-94  WAV:  Jazz file.                             
  211. KINGBIRD.ZIP    13263  03-08-94  Bird Sound:  Eastern Kingbird WAV file.      
  212. KSINK800.ZIP    79231  05-02-94  3D studio GIF of a kitchen sink.  This       
  213.                                | is very realistic and surreal.  It           
  214.                                | sounds boring, but this is a GREAT           
  215.                                | graphic!  800x600x256.                       
  216. LL_TCHNO.ZIP  2126385  02-06-94  A long techno WAV file.                      
  217. MAJEST1.ZIP    226606  03-03-94  A beautiful BMP of a mountain.  Ideal        
  218.                                | for a Windows wallpaper.  640x480x256        
  219.                                | BMP.                                         
  220. MAJEST2.ZIP    236781  03-21-94  BMP:  Mountain Scene.  640x480x256.          
  221. MAJEST3.ZIP    130024  03-12-94  BMP:  Mountain Scene.  640x480x256.          
  222. MAUI.ZIP       101823  05-14-94  BMP image:  An aerial view of Maui.          
  223.                                | 640x480.                                     
  224. MEDWAR.ZIP     194336  02-17-94  >> MEDWAR 1.1 - Medieval War <<  A           
  225.                                | Windows-based war game set in medieval       
  226.                                | times.  MEDWAR allows for up to six          
  227.                                | human or computer players, play-by-mail      
  228.                                | games, handicapping with 24 strength         
  229.                                | levels, and 14 types of pieces.              
  230.                                | Documentation:  README.TXT and on-line       
  231.                                | help.                                        
  232. MOAB.ZIP        53197  02-17-94  A Simple Windows-Based Shareware War         
  233.                                | And Conquest Game. Unregistered Copy         
  234.                                | Limited to "easy" Opponent And Small         
  235.                                | Map. Registered Game Handles up to Six       
  236.                                | Human  or Computer Opponents.                
  237. MONTY21.ZIP     46520  02-06-94  SuperMonty 2.1:  Windows version of a        
  238.                                | one-armed bandit.  Req: VBRUN100.DLL.        
  239. MTRACK10.ZIP    34109  02-25-94  M-Tracker 1.0:  Windows board game that      
  240.                                | includes dice requiring both strategy        
  241.                                | and luck.                                    
  242. MYWAVE.ZIP      67776  02-26-94  WAV: Various homemade files recorded in      
  243.                                | 11khz, mono, 8-bit.                          
  244. M_FWAVS.ZIP     28771  02-04-94  4-ESSENTIAL WAVs for your Windows            
  245.                                | setup.                                       
  246. NEWWAVS.ZIP   1169984  02-11-94  Collection of WAV files created in a         
  247.                                | corporate office.                            
  248. NMMW07.ZIP      39725  02-19-94  Nine Men Morris:  Game for Windows.          
  249. NTHAWKS.ZIP     57019  02-01-94  BMP image:  Edward Hopper's Nighthawks.      
  250.                                | 800x438x256.                                 
  251. OS2ROCK.ZIP    113181  02-18-94  BMP image: POV Rendered OS/2 logo on Red     
  252.                                | marble monolith, sitting on water with       
  253.                                | lightning bolts dropping around it.          
  254. PATRN005.ZIP    90770  02-01-94  Patterns 0.05:  Windows geometric puzzle     
  255.                                | game where the object is to build an         
  256.                                | image of something, say a duck or a boat     
  257.                                | out of a given set of pieces; includes 2     
  258.                                | libraries of shapes, one is based on the     
  259.                                | popular Tangrams puzzle, which is            
  260.                                | thought to have originated in China          
  261.                                | perhaps 4000 years ago, and the other is     
  262.                                | called Chie No-Ita or "Plates of Wisdom"     
  263.                                | from Japan and is probably even older.       
  264. PELVIS.ZIP     115097  02-01-94  Cute Windows Game:  Star Trek spoof.         
  265. PEND12.ZIP     107287  02-05-94  Pendulous 1.2:  Windows warfare strategy     
  266.                                | game.  Allows for wide variety of            
  267.                                | strategies.  Built-in scenario editor.       
  268. PENTA10.ZIP    101405  02-15-94  Pentamino 1.0:  Win game where the           
  269.                                | object is to place figures on the            
  270.                                | playing board before running out of          
  271.                                | room.                                        
  272. PFW40.ZIP      503851  02-06-94  Panzerkrieg 4.00:  Windows 2-player          
  273.                                | tactical-level simulation of land combat     
  274.                                | in the era of World War II, requiring        
  275.                                | much planning and thought.  Supports         
  276.                                | sound card, but is not required to run.      
  277.                                | (1 of 2)                                     
  278. PFW40D.ZIP     278613  02-19-94  Panzerkrieg 4.00:  Windows 2-player          
  279.                                | tactical-level simulation of land combat     
  280.                                | in the era of World War II, requiring        
  281.                                | much planning and thought.  Supports         
  282.                                | sound card, but is not required to run.      
  283.                                | (2 of 2)                                     
  284. PLATEGLS.ZIP    37624  02-14-94  A very realistic WAV sound file of           
  285.                                | shattering glass.                            
  286. PRPMARTN.ZIP    30511  03-26-94  Bird Sound:  Purple Martin .WAV file.        
  287. PUBLIUS.ZIP     13850  02-09-94  TrueType font converted from the             
  288.                                | Macintosh.                                   
  289. PUBW30.ZIP      72291  02-25-94  Additional files required to run Pub         
  290.                                | Poker for users of Windows 3.0.  These       
  291.                                | files are not required by users with         
  292.                                | Windows 3.1.                                 
  293. QCWGAME1.ZIP  1207170  03-24-94  Quatra Command by PlayDoe Software Total     
  294.                                | action, shoot-everything-that-moves          
  295.                                | Space adventure.  As a StarPilot, you        
  296.                                | must Defend the Quatra Sector from the       
  297.                                | enemy mutants.  Use several high-tech        
  298.                                | weapons.  Watch and listen to them           
  299.                                | explode!  Great 3 levels, Full Screen!       
  300.                                | Digital Music & Sounds Fx, supports          
  301.                                | Joystick, Mouse, & Keyboard Recommend:       
  302.                                | 486-xx, 5 Meg RAM, 256 COLOR ONLY.           
  303. QUENZR12.ZIP   149494  03-03-94  Quenzar's Caverns 1.2:  Windows dungeon      
  304.                                | game which combines action and logic.        
  305.                                | Req: VBRUN300.DLL.                           
  306. QUEST31.ZIP    497599  03-21-94  QUEST 3.1 text adventure game for            
  307.                                | Windows 3.1.                                 
  308. SALSA8.ZIP    1109503  02-12-94  WAV:  Latin Music.                           
  309. SCENE.ZIP      180906  04-22-94  Sound clip of "In the Scene of the Mind"     
  310.                                | from the album, "In the Scene of the         
  311.                                | Mind" by Violet Arcana, released in Jan,     
  312.                                | 1994 on EinProdukt records.  Sampled at      
  313.                                | 11kHz, this clip runs 9.89 seconds.          
  314.                                | Violet Arcana is often compared to a         
  315.                                | cross between Future Sound of London and     
  316.                                | This Mortal Coil because of its dreamy,      
  317.                                | vocally based techno.  A surrealistic,       
  318.                                | moody synth-pop soundscape.                  
  319. SCENELG.ZIP    865670  02-04-94  Sound clip of "In the Scene of the Mind"     
  320.                                | from the album, "In the Scene of the         
  321.                                | Mind" by Violet Arcana, released in Jan,     
  322.                                | 1994 on EinProdukt records.  Sampled at      
  323.                                | 22kHz, this clip runs 44.41 seconds.         
  324.                                | Violet Arcana is often compared to a         
  325.                                | cross between Future Sound of London and     
  326.                                | This Mortal Coil because of its dreamy,      
  327.                                | vocally based techno.  A surrealistic,       
  328.                                | moody synth-pop soundscape.                  
  329. SHAPEIR.ZIP    341181  02-25-94  A WAV file from Ferrocious Female            
  330.                                | Freedom Fighters.  Great to listen to        
  331.                                | before and after meals, or while asleep.     
  332. SHOTGN10.ZIP   236964  03-24-94  ShotGun(TM) 1.0  (Wave Sound Effects)        
  333.                                | ShotGun Town, where you are in the           
  334.                                | Saloon and your called out into a gun        
  335.                                | fight.  For Windows 3.1.  Tip Software       
  336.                                | Products Designed & Created by Albert C.     
  337.                                | Ashton.                                      
  338. SHUFFL10.ZIP    50424  02-27-94  Shuffle! 1.0:  Windows card deck system      
  339.                                | that allows you to manage information in     
  340.                                | an index card fashion; several card          
  341.                                | decks can be opened at the same time;        
  342.                                | has programmable jump links to allow         
  343.                                | easy linking of related cards in the         
  344.                                | card deck.                                   
  345. SINKV11.ZIP    348878  02-05-94  SinkSub:  Nice game for Windows.             
  346. SLGLF205.ZIP   291945  03-22-94  Solitaire Golf (SolGolf) 2.05:  Windows      
  347.                                | solitaire game offers some chance for        
  348.                                | skill; five overlapping rows of 7 cards      
  349.                                | are dealt face up to form the Tableau -      
  350.                                | 1 card is dealt below these to start the     
  351.                                | Waste pile with the remaining cards          
  352.                                | being placed face down on the left.  The     
  353.                                | object of the game is to clear away the      
  354.                                | Tableau by building cards onto the Waste     
  355.                                | pile; requires VBRUN300.DLL.                 
  356. SNDMGR10.ZIP    61316  02-12-94  WAV manager for Windows.                     
  357. SPCTRS12.ZIP    52891  02-26-94  Mario/Tetris clone game for Windows.         
  358. START_01.ZIP    61357  02-19-94  WAV:  An engine trying to start.  We         
  359.                                | all know that feeling at sometime.           
  360.                                | First in a series until it starts.           
  361. STORM16.ZIP    189001  02-19-94  16-bit WAV sound file of a storm.            
  362. STR_WAV.ZIP    444706  03-14-94  A Stereo WAV file for Windows.               
  363. TAZ.ZIP         47199  02-11-94  Taz is a Windows game in which there are     
  364.                                | falling triangles that one tries to fit      
  365.                                | together to form shapes of the same          
  366.                                | color; there's a different shape for         
  367.                                | each of 14 difficulty levels and one has     
  368.                                | to deal with new combinations of colored     
  369.                                | triangles at each new level.  Fancy          
  370.                                | Tetris clone.                                
  371. TAZ05.ZIP       47316  02-09-94  Taz 0.5:  Windows game in which there        
  372.                                | are falling triangles that one tries to      
  373.                                | fit together to form shapes of the same      
  374.                                | color.  There's a different shape for        
  375.                                | each of 14 difficulty levels and one has     
  376.                                | to deal with new combinations of colored     
  377.                                | triangles at each new level.                 
  378. TOWNS11.ZIP     86674  03-14-94  Towns 1.1:  Puzzle for Windows.  Bug         
  379.                                | Fix for 1.0.                                 
  380. TRAINS.ZIP     746260  03-26-94  Train sound effects:  WAV.                   
  381. TWOLIVES.ZIP   174687  04-22-94  Sound clip of "Two Lives" from the new       
  382.                                | album, "In the Scene of the Mind" by         
  383.                                | Violet Arcana, released in Jan, 1994 on      
  384.                                | EinProdukt records.  Sampled at 11kHz,       
  385.                                | this clip runs 9.35 seconds.  Violet         
  386.                                | Arcana is often compared to a cross          
  387.                                | between Future Sound of London and This      
  388.                                | Mortal Coil because of its dreamy,           
  389.                                | vocally based techno.  A surrealistic,       
  390.                                | moody synth-pop soundscape.                  
  391. UFOTK10.ZIP    274547  02-25-94  Windows UFO shoot'em up game.                
  392. VALK2.ZIP      206079  03-01-94  Depicts a Mech Warrior.  Very nice           
  393.                                | Bitmap picture.                              
  394. VRFLYCAT.ZIP    10540  03-17-94  Bird Sound:  Vermillion Flycatcher.          
  395.                                | WAV file.                                    
  396. VUESAV10.ZIP    56664  02-06-94  VueSav 1.0:  Windows screen saver that       
  397.                                | lets you view GIF, JPEG, and BMP.            
  398. WAGT.ZIP       301490  02-10-94  Adventure Game Toolkit for Windows!          
  399. WAVSORT.ZIP    214407  02-08-94  WavSorter 3.0.  Easily play & sort sound     
  400.                                | files into folders.  3-D intuitive           
  401.                                | interface, drag/drop, customizable,          
  402.                                | jukebox ability, complete help, and          
  403.                                | more.  Previous version, 2.1, received       
  404.                                | positive reviews and was distributed in      
  405.                                | both the U.S. and Europe.  Requires          
  406.                                | Windows 3.1 and VBRUN300.                    
  407. WBRDG325.ZIP   320351  03-18-94  Bridge for Windows 3.25:  Windows bridge     
  408.                                | game that deals four random hands of         
  409.                                | Bridge, selects the best hand to be          
  410.                                | yours and the second best for North;         
  411.                                | follows the generally accepted practice      
  412.                                | of the weak two-bid structure; will          
  413.                                | assist you in practicing your bidding;       
  414.                                | save/recall hands; can setup a bridge        
  415.                                | hand directly.  Req:  VBRUN300.DLL.          
  416. WDETCT10.ZIP   129107  02-06-94  WINDETECTIVE 1.0 for Windows:  fun game      
  417.                                | somewhat like Clue with computer             
  418.                                | opponents and 3 difficulty levels.           
  419.                                | Starship theme for suspects, locations,      
  420.                                | and weapons cards.                           
  421. WDGNDP30.ZIP    13795  02-10-94  Win Drag N Drop 3.0:  Windows image          
  422.                                | viewer and file launcher.  Requires:         
  423.                                | VBRUN300.DLL.                                
  424. WHCAVE.ZIP     374442  02-07-94  Windows HUMONGOUS CAVE:  The Windows         
  425.                                | version of Humongous Cave, believed to       
  426.                                | be the largest text adventure available      
  427.                                | on a microcomputer.  Created with the        
  428.                                | new Windows Version of the Adventure         
  429.                                | Game Toolkit.                                
  430. WHOUSE.ZIP     218697  02-09-94  A cool BMP of the White House!               
  431. WINCOINS.ZIP    73969  02-03-94  Windows Slot Game.  Great Sound &            
  432.                                | Graphic.                                     
  433. WINDHAM.ZIP    138649  02-07-94  Windham Hill Christmas Sampler:  WAV         
  434.                                | File.                                        
  435. WINJACK3.ZIP   242572  05-15-94  WinJack 3.0i - The original Windows          
  436.                                | BlackJack game has just been upgraded.       
  437.                                | Version 3.0 supports 256 color cards,        
  438.                                | Animation, Sounds, Card counting, 3D         
  439.                                | Graphics, Cheating, Statistics, More         
  440.                                | rule options, Action, Menus.                 
  441. WNCHS13W.ZIP    39538  02-02-94  Waxman 1.3W:  Pocket Chess game for          
  442.                                | Windows.                                     
  443. WNCRP102.ZIP    70474  02-08-94  Craps!  1.02: MS-Windows game that is        
  444.                                | an attempt to re-create casino play with     
  445.                                | comprehensive help.                          
  446. WRDHNT20.ZIP    44265  03-26-94  Word Hunter 2.0.  Windows game that          
  447.                                | allows you to create, play, print, and       
  448.                                | randomly generate word search puzzles.       
  449.                                | REEVEsoft.                                   
  450. WWS100.ZIP     509154  04-15-94  Windows Word Search Mania 1.00  <ASP>        
  451.                                | Word Search Lovers Delight!  Multi-Media     
  452.                                | Ready Word Search Puzzle Game.  Play on      
  453.                                | Computer or Print Puzzles out for            
  454.                                | parties, activities, friends or family.      
  455.                                | Optional Timer, Hint Mode, Highlight         
  456.                                | Mode and Sound.  Over 10 congratulatory      
  457.                                | remarks.  GOLD version contains over 300     
  458.                                | puzzles.  Create, edit and delete your       
  459.                                | own puzzles--simple and easy!                
  460. XMASBMP2.ZIP    10512  02-24-94  Seven Christmas Bitmaps for Windows.         
  461. XMASFUN9.ZIP   428472  03-24-94  MERRY CHRISTMAS!  WAV of JINGLE BELLS,       
  462.                                | BATMAN SMELLS, ROBIN laid an egg.....        
  463. XMAS_CAT.ZIP   151365  03-10-94  Merry Christmas from Jake the cat,           
  464.                                | who's seen here mugging for the camera       
  465.                                | in a Christmas Tree.  256 color BMP.         
  466. XM_WIN51.ZIP    96858  03-22-94  X-Manager for Windows  The X-Manager for     
  467.                                | Windows package is truly outstanding!        
  468.                                | Now you'll be able to edit your pilots       
  469.                                | AND spacecraft all in Windows, including     
  470.                                | the new B-Wing Starfighter, with an          
  471.                                | easy-to-use interface.  Note:  This          
  472.                                | version of X-Manager will only work with     
  473.                                | the B-Wing expansion disk installed in       
  474.                                | your X-Wing game.  Req: VBRUN300.DLL.        
  475. YAM10.ZIP       22717  03-05-94  Yam 1.0:  MS-Windows dice game, where        
  476.                                | luck helps, but skill is necessary to        
  477.                                | play the game; requires VBRUN200.DLL.        
  478. YAWCWP.ZIP      18807  02-05-94  Yet Another Wallpaper Changer.  Randomly     
  479.                                | changes your Windows wallpaper selection     
  480.                                | each and every time you execute it.  A       
  481.                                | brief message to indicate YAWC's choice      
  482.                                | will display for six seconds and then        
  483.                                | YAWC will close itself.                      